Brian Baer
Brian Baer is an award-winning photojournalist with 30 years experience photographing news and human events around the globe, including China, Iraq, Haiti and Cuba. He has provided photographic coverage of California politics and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for The Sacramento Bee and covered national politics for the McClatchy Tribune Photo Service.
Stories by Brian Baer
- Almond Harvest in ArbuckleWatch the Video
- Walnut Water EfficiencyRead the Story
- Let it Snow!View the Photos
- The Bloom and the BeesRead the Story
- Early Fall in the ValleyView the Photos
- Pistachio HarvestView the Photos
- Valley BeautifulRead the Story
- 6 Scintillating Sacramento Valley ViewsRead the Story
- Over SitesRead the Story
- Our Valley from AboveRead the Story
- West side of the ValleyRead the Story
- Spectacular Sunflowers!Read the Story
- T&Y Strawberry PatchRead the Story
- Highway 45Read the Story
- Wildflowers and CattleRead the Story
- Early Spring in the Sacramento ValleyRead the Story
- Enter the DragonRead the Story
- The West SideRead the Story
- Sites, CARead the Story
- Touring Colusa CountyRead the Story
- The Sacramento Valley ExperienceRead the Story
- Valley TreesRead the Story
- Sacramento River in Sutter CountyRead the Story
- Rural Sutter CountyView the Photos
- Valley GoldView the Photos