Cedar Park Trail: A Serene Walk in the Forest
Contributed by Carl Gwyn
Tucked away in Sly Park, the Cedar Park Trail is wheelchair accessible paved trail especially suitable for families with small children. It offers everyone a beautiful escape into the serenity of the forest.
The Cedar Park Trail is located on Sly Park Road, just 6 miles from Highway 50. It receives most of its use by residents because it is not well known outside of the area. After parking in the designated area at the trailhead, the visitor can choose the direction of travel along the one mile hour glass shaped loop. We decided to take the left trail.
Walking under a canopy of conifers, we passed by white fir, ponderosa pine, madrone and black oaks. The air was filled with the scent of Bear Clover (also known as Mountain Misery or Kitkitdizzi), which I enjoyed because it reminds me of hiking when I was very young.
Traveling in this direction we shortly encountered an overlook with benches, which would make a great lunch spot while enjoying a view of Pyramid Peak. A bit further we had the option of doing a half mile loop by cutting across the center of the figure eight shaped trail and heading back to the trailhead or continuing the full mile. We chose the full hike and found it so delightful that we repeated it I reverse.
If you want a more challenging hike, you can go east from the trailhead down a dirt trail that will lead you to Jenkinson Lake or all of the way to the Fleming Meadow trail system.
This is a delightful area that gives the visitor a deep forest experience without having to hike miles. We encountered several locals with young children and runners who were doing laps because it is such a nice spot.