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Stories from the valley

Santa makes an early stop in Arbuckle

Contributed by Jonnalee Henderson

“Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad,” said the bilingual Santa Claus that visits our ranch every year as our family celebrates the season with those we appreciate and enjoy—our employees.  Cookies, juice, gifts, food and laughter are plentiful as all of our families enjoy a night of much merriment together.

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At last Monday’s Henderson Farms Christmas Party, Santa was one busy man.  As he sat every kid—ages one to 18—on his knee, he delivered to them exactly what they had requested weeks before.  (Well, to be fair, all teenagers got Target gift cards because Santa knows their wishes change weekly!) As families took photos with Santa, gathered around punch and cookies and listened to Christmas music, joy permeated the room.

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We have much to be thankful for year-round and this one night is a time to celebrate so many of those blessings together.  This year we celebrate good crops and no major accidents and we realize that it is the skill and dedication of our employees that make these things possible.

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We’ve had an employee Christmas party annually for more than 20 years and it’s something we all look forward to.

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Or, as we heard so many times last Monday, Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo a todos.