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Stories from the valley

Students help restore the Valley’s Habitat

Contributed by Steve Beckley

River Garden Farms  located in Knights Landing, has partnered with the Center for Land Based Learning’s Student and Landowner Education and Watershed Stewardship (SLEWS) Program slews to restore native habitat along a levee road.  Other partners in the project include Audubon California and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  Students from Woodland High School’s Environmental Science Class are working with farm staff to carry out this project.


I dropped by the project recently as the students were helping install a drip irrigation system that will provide water to the native plants and trees that they will plant in January.  They laid out three drip lines that stretched almost a mile.  Matthew Danielczyk of Audubon California explained the cycle of planting the native flora.  He pointed out that they would be planting some native oak trees that live for a hundred years, so the students would be able to bring their grandchildren out to see the project that they participated in.  The students are mentored during the process by individuals from National Resources Conservation Services and several UC Davis divisions.


I visited with Roger Cornwell, manager of River Garden Farms about their participation in the project.  He pointed out that the farm owners are committed to helping improve the environment and feel it is important to take a leadership role.  They are also active participants in the Sacramento River Salmon Recovery Program.

As it is stated on SLEWS website, “These projects have a real and lasting impact on the land. Most importantly, the students take their work seriously because they see the results of their efforts and know they are making a difference”.


River Garden Farms, like many of their fellow farming operations in the Sacramento Valley. are engaging in projects and farming in a manner that will have a positive impact on the environment of the valley while helping provide food for a growing world.