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Stories from the valley

The Magical Sundial

Contributed by Lewis Kemper

Sundial Bridge_Turtle Bay 4000-150503-_KDX8224-HDRNo trip to the Redding area would be complete without stopping by Turtle Bay Exploration Park and the amazing Sundial Bridge! Personally, I recommend going to the bridge in the evening as the sun is going down and the lights are coming up! The bridge is like a magnet drawing hundreds of people there on a nice night. I saw walkers, skateboarders, bikers and even a person on a unicycle the evening I was there! There are families, couples, singles, dog walkers and more enjoying the sunset over the Sacramento River with Shasta Bally (a mountain) in the background.

Sundial Bridge_Turtle Bay 4000-150503-_KDX8152-HDRI was fortunate enough to be there as the full moon was rising in the east as the sun was setting in the west creating an enchanting evening of beauty. As I was standing on the bridge I heard beautiful music coming from the north end and walked over to find two musicians under the bridge playing their guitars as the full moon rose behind them. I knew this would be a magical trip!